Properties |
Body : String (v3.0) |
body of the message. To append text to the body use
JMail.Body = "Hello world"
Charset : String (v3.0) |
is the charset of the message. The default is
JMail.Charset = "US-ASCII" |
ContentTransferEncoding : String (v3.0) |
Specifies the content transfer encoding. The default is
JMail.ContentTransferEncoding = "base64"
ContentType : String (v3.0) |
is the contentype of the message. It defaults to "text/plain"
but can be set to whatever you need. If you want to send HTML
in your messages, change this to "text/html"
JMail.ContentType = "text/html"
DeferredDelivery : Date (v3.0) |
defered delivery of messages. If the mailserver supports it
the message wont be delivered before this date and
JMail.DeferredDelivery = new Date( 2000, 02, 17
).getVarDate(); |
Encoding : String (v3.0) |
can be used to change the default Attachment encoding from
base64. Valid options are "base64", "uuencode" or
JMail.Encoding = "base64" |
ErrorCode : Integer (v3.0) |
Contains the error code if JMail.silent is set to
Response.Write( JMail.ErrorCode )
ErrorMessage : String (v3.0) |
Contains the error message if JMail.silent is set to
Response.Write( JMail.ErrorMessage )
ErrorSource : String (v3.0) |
Contains the error source if JMail.silent is set to
Response.Write( JMail.ErrorSource )
ISOEncodeHeaders : Boolean (v3.0) |
Encodes header stings according to iso-8859-1 character
sets. The default is true.
JMail.ISOEncodeHeaders = false
Lazysend : Boolean (v3.0) |
property specifies if JMail is to wait until the mail is sent
and then return or if it is to buffer the message and send it
in the background. By setting this you do however don get
controll of error messages etc.
NOTE: If you use
this option, ServerAddress have NO function. The lazysend
function will resolve the Mailserver with DNS queries. This
can be a problem in some configurations.
JMail.LazySend = true; |
Log : String (v3.0) |
is the log created by JMail when loging is set to
Response.Write( JMail.Log ) |
Logging : Boolean (v3.0) |
Enables/Disables logging in JMail
JMail.Logging = true |
MailDomain : String (v3.0) |
can be used to override the EHLO/HELO statement to your
JMail.Maildomain = ""
MimeVersion : String (v3.0) |
Specifies the mime version. The default is
JMail.MimeVersion = "1.0" |
Priority : Integer (v3.0) |
is the priority of the message. The range of priorities can be
from 1 to 5.
- This means that the message is
High Priority. Some mailers prefer to call this level
- This is also high
- This is normal priority.
- This is low priority.
- This is the lowest
JMail.Priority = 3 |
Recipients : String (v3.0) |
Readonly property of all recipients of this
Response.Write( "" + JMail.Recipients + "" )
ReplyTo : String (v3.0) |
Specifies a optional reply address
JMail.ReplyTo = ""
ReturnReceipt : Boolean (v3.0) |
Specifies wether or not the sender requires a return
receipt. The default value of the property is
JMail.ReturnReceipt = true |
Sender : String (v3.0) |
Specifies the sender address of the message
JMail.Sender = ""
SenderName : String (v3.0) |
Specifies the sender name of the message
JMail.SenderName = "Bat man" |
ServerAddress : String (v3.0) |
Specifies the address of the server. There can be more
than one server specified by separating the list with a
semicolon. If a port other than 25 is used then specify this
by adding a colon after the servername. If the serverAddress
is left blank JMail will try to resolv the remote Mail server
and sen the message directly to that server.
JMail.ServerAddress = ";" |
Silent : Boolean (v3.0) |
to true, JMail will not trow exceptions. Instead
JMail.execute() will return true or false depending on the
success of the operation
JMail.silent = true |
SimpleLayout : Boolean (v3.0) |
to true to reduce the number of headers JMail
JMail.SimpleLayout = true |
Subject : String (v3.0) |
Specifies the subject of the message
JMail.Subject = "Dimac rocks big time!"
UsePipelining : Boolean (v3.0) |
Overrides if JMail should use pipelining on a server
that supports it.
JMail.Pipelining = false |
Methods |
AddAttachment( FileName,
[ContentType] ) (v3.0) |
a file attachment to the mssage
JMail.AddAttachment( "c:\\autoexec.bat" );
AddCustomAttachment( FileName,
Data ) (v3.0) |
a custom attachment. This can be used to attach "virtual
files" like a generated text string or certificate
JMail.AddCustomAttachment( "readme.txt", "Contents of
file" ); |
AddHeader( XHeader, Value
) (v3.0) |
a user defined X-header to the message
JMail.AddHeader( "Originating-IP",""
); |
AddNativeHeader( Header, Value
) (v3.0) |
a header to the message
JMail.AddNativeHeader( "MTA-Settings", "route"
); |
AddRecipient( Email
) (v3.0) |
a recipient to the message
JMail.AddRecipient( "" );
AddRecipientBCC( Email
) (v3.0) |
a Blind Carbon Copy recipient to the message
JMail.AddRecipientBCC( ""
); |
AddRecipientCC( Email
) (v3.0) |
a Carbon Copy recipient to the message
JMail.AddRecipientCC( ""
); |
AddRecipientEx( Email, Name
) (v3.0) |
a recipient with a name to the message
JMail.AddRecipientEx( "", "Dimac INFO"
); |
AddURLAttachment( bstrURL,
bstrAttachAs, [bstrAuth]
) (v3.0) |
Downloads and adds an attachment based on an URL. A
seconds argument, "AttachAs", is used for specifying the
filename that the attachment will receive in the message. A
third and optional argument is used for optional
"", "jmail.exe"
) |
AppendBodyFromFile( FileName
) (v3.0) |
Appends body text from a file
JMail.AppendBodyFromFile( "c:\\mytext.txt" );
AppendText( Text
) (v3.0) |
Append "text" to body
JMail.AppendText( "Text appended to message Body"
); |
ClearAttachments() (v3.0) |
Clears the list of attachments
JMail.ClearAttachments(); |
ClearCustomHeaders() (v3.0) |
Clears all custom headers
JMail.ClearCustomHeaders(); |
ClearRecipients() (v3.0) |
Clear the recipient list
JMail.ClearRecipients(); |
Close() (v3.0) |
Force JMail to close an cached connection to a
JMail.Close(); |
: Boolean (v3.0) |
Executes and sends the message to the server
JMail.Execute(); |
bstrURL, [bstrAuth]
) (v3.0) |
Downloads and adds email addresses from an
"" );
GetMessageBodyFromURL( bstrURL,
[bstrAuth] ) (v3.0) |
Clears the body of the message and replaces it with the
contents of the URL. The contenttype is automaticly set to
match the contentype of the URL. The second argument (login
and password) is optional
JMail.GetMessageBodyFromURL( "",
"login:password" ) |
LogCustomMessage( Message
) (v3.0) |
a custom user message to the JMail log. This function works
ONLY if loging is set to true
JMail.LogCustomMessage( "Hello world" );