Exw mia database sthn opoia grafontai kapioi xrhstes, thelw na exw mia selida sthn opoia na parousiazontai autes oi egrafes kai na mporw kanontas kapoio klik dipla se opoia stoixeia thelw, auta ta stoixeia na metaferontai se kapoia allh database. Thelw dhladh apo tis egrafes pou exoun ginei na apodexomai mono oses egw thelw kai oi alles na diagrafonatai.
Euxaristw ekto proterwn
Ftiaxe mia selida, opou me ena query na sou enfanizei oles tis eggrafes me checkboxes dipla kai ena koumpi na kanei copy se nea basi tis epilegmenes....
Pws geinete auto bre file?? Mhpws exeis kanena etoimo script?
Gia na diavaseis oles tis eggrafes, akoloythise to paradeigma
kai gia na prostheseis telika kai ena checkbox apo mprosta apo kathe eggrafi
ena paradeigma...
For intRecordCounter = 1 to intTotalRecords
If adoRec.EOF Then Exit For
intRecID = adoRec("id_no")
strRecord = adoRec("User")
Response.Write vbCrLf & "<table >"
Response.Write vbCrLf & " <tr><td width=""6%"" align=""center"">"
Response.Write vbCrLf & " <input type=""checkbox"" name=""chkRecID"" value="" " & intRecID & " "">"
Response.Write vbCrLf & " </td><td width=""94%"">" & strRecord &"</a></td></tr>"
Response.Write vbCrLf & " </table>"
tip: Κάλλιο να σε ζηλεύουνε παρά να σε λυπούνται . * F5 για νέο tip